Second, choose the vendors you would like to have at the event. The opportunities are endless. It’s truly a matter of which vendors would be most beneficial for your employee population. As you get started, here are some things to consider:
- What insurance companies do you utilize for your health benefits?
- What areas of wellness are most important to your company?
- Are there benefits you want to advertise to your employees?
- What are some services you would like to shed light on that are under-utilized and/or easily forgotten?
- Consider asking local companies to participate in your wellness fair. This could be a win-win arrangement since it could also create opportunities for their company. Some options would be your local gym, local chiropractor, health services, etc.
- If your company has an existing wellness program, what companies do you partner with in that arena? If you’re part of our Keystone Benefits Partners program or our TrueAdvantage Health Program, ConnectCare3 might be a good choice.
Third, once you have developed a list of vendors, confirm their availability as well as their logistical needs. A vendor assessment form can help you collect, compile, and prepare for these needs on the day of the event. Plan how you will arrange and structure your room so that participants can easily flow between vendor tables without significant delays.
Finally, as your wellness fair date approaches, build excitement among your employees! Make health fun by planning raffles and door prizes that bolster their enthusiasm. Plan to add some nice touches like decorations, balloons, and healthy snacks.
Even though a lot of planning is required for a successful wellness fair, the results for your employees can be very beneficial and may even encourage them to invest more in their own health. Healthy employees can mean a happier, healthier workplace. If you have any questions, reach out to us for more vendor ideas, or for any help along the way. Be Well!